
Neko Neko Boon Videos!

I have started making Japanese comedy videos in a couple month.
We call the name of our project is
"Neko Neko Boon !"

Actually, Japanese word, " Neko" means Cat and the another word, "Boon" is like an onomatopoetic phrase of Japanese which means uplift or advance.

I hope that we could help people to understand how Japanese comedy differ from Americans' .
We are trying to add many videos as many as we can

The link below is NekoNeko Boon's Youtube!



It was a nice show though I was so sick before

I got a cold the day before the show on March 14th.
I did a good job though it was little hard for me to sing for a couple hours.
I have to think about my health from now on. If I am sick, I can't do anything!
Anyway, thanks for stopping by my show!
Canaan Canaan

3月14日のコンサートの前に風をひいてしまい、2時間 歌うということが、



I really enjoyed that I had two shows on the same day 一日に二つのコンサート、とても楽しかったです!

I had a busy day since I played in two places on Feb 21st.
It was fun that I could see different types of audiences at COCC.
I also enjoy that my friends always stop by to see me at Strictly Organic Coffee.I really appreciate that many people helped me for setting up the shows I will perform on next weekend at Strictly Organic again. I might sing moreJapanese songs since I will play as a solo.CanaanCanaan



It's already mid February 2009!! もう2月の中旬です!

I haven't wrote anything since last September..
There are a lot of things I can mention today.
I made a new album " Hawaii Calls" about a couple month ago.
I put thirteen songs on the CD.
Most songs on this album are related to Hawaii and you can see many Hawaiian words I used.
I wrote a song " The waves" which is the one I dedicated to Hawaiian spirits and I really like this song.
Also, I have a new guitarist now. His name is Devon ,and we have been practicing about a month .We will play two shows on this coming Saturday, 21st.
I hope that we' ll get many audiences for the day.
Anyway, I Will try to write more often than I did before.


去年の9月から、ずっと このブログを書いてませんでした。
2ヶ月ほど前に、”Hawaii Calls" (ハワイコールス)というアルバムを完成させました。
今回のCDには、13曲入っていて、ほとんどの曲に、ハワイにまつわるエピソードが織り交ぜられていて、実際、このCDの中で、ハワイ語を沢山使っているので、なかなか面白いものができたと思っています。その中の1曲、”The Waves”という曲は、ハワイの精霊たちに向けて書いたもので、自分でも、すごく気に入っている一曲です。


It was the first time I got a flower during my show! 初めて、コンサートの時にお花をもらいました!

I had a show with Jacob Looper at Strictly Organic on September 12th again.
Though it was little windy and chilly, we had nice audiences there.
Before starting, I was wondering if We would play outside or not.....
I thought that this time might be last time I was able to play outdoor since summer has already gone so that I decided we set up the stage outside.
I am so glad to have a nice keyboardist, Jacob for my show again.
His sounds are so beautiful with my singing and I always enjoy to play with him.
Also, I got a pink rose from my friend's son who was an only four years old when I was on break during the show.I have never got a flower from my audience so that I was so happy when he gave it to me.

Anyway, thanks for coming my show and sharing the great time with me!
Canaan Canaan


These are photo from the show of The Lodge at Suttle Lake!

I had a show at The Lodge at Suttle Lake on September 5th.
I haven't been played at Suttle Lake since September, 2007.
I was so glad that I could have a chance to play there again.
Also, I enjoyed to eat a nice dinner and seeing beautiful scenery.
I hope that I will come back to play there next summer again!!
Canaan Canaan


I had a show with a keyboardist at Strictly Organic Coffee

I played with a keyboardist, Jacob Looper on August 23rd at Strictly Organic. It was a nice weather for playing at the outside of the shop. It seemed like many people were interested in to watch our performance though they just passed on the road.

I think that we did good job and I could really enjoy to play with him.

We are planning to play at Organic Coffee on September 12th again and will play at Parilla grill on September 28th which is a part of Bend Roots Music Festival.

I hope that we will get more audiences on next show!

Canaan Canaan